The Functioning of Data Lake Built on Amazon S3
The Simple Storage Service (S3) of Amazon is a cloud-based data storage service that stores data in its native format – unstructured, semi-structured, or structured. Here, metadata and objects in data files are stored in buckets. For uploading files or metadata, the objects have to be first moved to Amazon S3. After this step is completed, permissions can be set on the metadata or the related objects stored in the buckets (containers) and selected personnel are given access to them. They are given the authority to decide where the logs and objects will be stored on Amazon S3. Various competencies can be used for building an S3 data lake on Amazon S3. These include media data processing applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), big data analytics, and high-performance computing (HPC). All these used in tandem give organizations access to critical business intelligence and analytics as well as unstructured data sets from S3 data lake. There are several bene...